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  • Product diversity

    is our strength
    For decades, EGRA has been a guarantee of first-class ideas and products involving high voltage technology and electrostatics.
  • EGRA
    a name that stands for

    the highest quality
  • EGRA qual­i­ty prod­ucts are used by
    nu­mer­ous com­pa­nies all o­ver the world

Welcome to!

You can al­ways find in­for­ma­tion here on both our tried and test­ed and our new prod­ucts.
EGRA - a name that stands for the high­est qual­i­ty
For decades, EGRA has been a guar­an­tee of first-class ideas and prod­ucts in­volv­ing high volt­age tech­nol­o­gy and elec­tro­stat­ics.
Knowl­edge and suc­cess grows from ex­pe­ri­ence
Dur­ing the course of the com­pa­ny's his­to­ry, the range of prod­ucts has changed as a re­sult of our con­stant new de­vel­op­ments.
Re­nowned cus­tomers put their trust in us.
EGRA qual­i­ty prod­ucts are used by nu­mer­ous com­pa­nies all o­ver the world, pri­mar­i­ly in the area of elec­tro­stat­ic paint­ing, pow­der coat­ing and flock­ing pro­cess­es.

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